The Democratic Party's defense of the SCHIP bill would be ironic in light of their radical defense of all forms of abortion, except that it's completely unintentional, and thus nothing more than an addendum to the volumes of ideological blunders we've come expect from our friends in blue. Of course, Jim Wallis is upset, but then again Mr. Wallis makes the late Jerry Falwell look like a paragon of theological interpretation and rationalism.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Isn't it time for them to sojourn out of here?
Posted by
5:07 PM
Labels: politics
Sunday, October 7, 2007
I am in a couple of courses that are outside the modern Europeanists field, and they've been productively challenging some of the tacit assumptions that modernists and early modernists make about their fields. In fact I've already heard medievalists claiming that they had the foundations of empirical science, capitalism, rationalism, and a whole host of "modern" concepts back in their period. To the degree that I've studied a handful of topics I am inclined to agree. In fact it might be wise to suggest that in the history of humanity, there has been but one revolution.
Posted by
9:09 PM
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
The real threat of the [Social] Democrats' policies is not so much the policies in themselves. They are so bogus that they are bound to fail. Then, after infecting a yet larger portion of the population with entitlementitis, their plans will fail and the people will want better programs and more programs. More politicians will make more hubristic guarantees which will then fail. By then, Americans will be ready for anything, but they will most likely look to a single individual who can pull the country out of the downward spiral. The Roman Republic. The French Directory. The German Weimar Reichstag.
If the Democrats win, I predict the creation of a leader cult (before the leader arrives, mind you) by 2040. Care to make a wager?
Posted by
3:33 PM